PPRTC Research Recommends Improved Services for Young Adults Leaving State Care
20 June, 2014 / Tbilisi, Georgia
Children under state care in Georgia frequently face difficulties obtaining higher education, avoiding legal troubles, and integrating into society once they leave the state system, according to a new study by the Ilia State University (ISU) MPA Program’s Public Policy Research and Training Center (PPRTC). Once young adults leave state foster care or orphanages, they often experience worse life outcomes than their peers. On June 20 at ISU, the PPRTC presented its report and recommendations to approximately 50 representatives from government institutions, NGOs, international donors, and the beneficiary group.
The researchers, Ketevan Makashvili and Viktoria Midelauri of ISU, reviewed existing services in Georgia and best practices in similar countries, then conducted interviews and focus groups with young adults who have been the subjects of state care. They found that the most pressing issue was that services for children under state care end entirely once these children reach the age of 18. The report recommends that the government create a database to track young adults after they leave state care to better understand their challenges and design continued support services. The report also recommends that the state develop transition services that will help young adults in the target group identify and take advantage of opportunities for higher education, job training, employment, and housing.
The research and its conclusions were well-received by participants at the presentation, which included young adults who are currently under state care or who have recently phased out of the system. Two of these young adults presented parts of the research and discussed their experiences at the event. Following the presentation, representatives of the Ministry of Youth and Sport, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Justice engaged in a lengthy and collaborative discussion with the researchers, beneficiaries, and NGO representatives in attendance.
This is the third and final report in the PPRTC’s first series of policy papers, which focused on healthcare in Georgia. The other reports covered rising cancer rates and autism treatment services. Within the next two weeks, the PPRTC expects to unveil a new policy study in the field of education analyzing teacher salary scales in Georgia.
For more photos of the event, please, follow the link
New PPRTC Research Recommends Increased Efforts to Combat Rising Cancer Deaths
17 June, 2014 / Tbilisi, Georgia
According to a new Policy Report examining causes of death in Georgia by the Ilia State University (ISU) MPA Program’s Public Policy Research and Training Center (PPRTC), cancer is a growing public health issue in the country. On June 17, 2014, the PPRTC presented the report to approximately 30 government officials, healthcare experts, international donors, and graduate students, and called for increased government attention to the growing cancer epidemic.
The author of the paper, Dr. Nikoloz Maghlaperidze of ISU, used decomposition methods of demographic statistics to determine that since the fall of the Soviet Union, life expectancy in Georgia has plateaued. In contrast, many developed countries have seen continually increasing life expectancy over the same period. To determine the recent trends and causes underlying this stagnation, the study analyzed causes of death between 2007 and 2012, disaggregated by gender and age group. While numbers varied among specific groups, overall many causes of death declined in frequency, such as cardiovascular and infectious diseases. However, overall life expectancy did not change much due to a sharp rise in cancer deaths.
The report recommends that the government improve and increase cancer screening, diagnosis, and prevention approaches, including through improved oncological education for medical professionals and policies that promote reduced public exposure to cancer risk factors.
The report was well-received by participants at the presentation, which included representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, the Georgian National Center for Disease Control, and USAID’s Office of Health and Human Development.
Policy Report Presentation / 2 April, 2014 / Tbilisi, Georgia
Ilia State University Public Policy Administration Master Degree Program (MPA) Public Policy Research and Training Center (PPRTC) initiated presentation and discussion on April 2, 2014 – Autism Awareness International Day. The presentation covered policy report of a grant-winning project “Research of Healthcare and Educational Services for People with Autistic Spectrum Disorder”. Ilia State University St. George’s Autism Center prepared the report, in scope of the EWMI-G-PAC project, with the financial support of USAID.
According to the report, nongovernmental and governmental services available in Georgia for the people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) were researched; their compliance with international standards was studied. As a result, specific recommendations were drafted for governmental and governmental ASD service provider organizations.
University Rector, Giga Zedania, EWMI-G-PAC program Public Policy Advisor Jason Swantek, and ISU Associated Professor, director of Research Institute of Children and Adolescent Development, Tinatin Chincharauli gave talks during the presentation. The speakers emphasized importance and role of such research projects.
Research authors and the field experts discussed this issue, after the presentation was over.
Representatives of governmental and nongovernmental organizations attended policy report presentation.
Public Policy Research and Training Center plans to hold such future presentations and discussions on relevant issues in healthcare and education policy.
For more photos of the event, please, follow the link >>
PPRTC official launch event / 11 March, 2014 / Tbilisi, Georgia
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